
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Climate Change and Global Warming Before Egyptian Civilization?

I have been looking at some information about the increase in desert in Northen Africa in the decades before the start of the Egyptian Civilization. For decades the desert was expanding and converting once green and fertile lands to lifeless sand and desert. Scientist call it the "desertification" of the region. Migrating to find useful land the inhabitants migrated to the Nile, Nile Valley, Nile Delta, and settled where the Egyptian civilization would soon grow and prosper. This migration was the start of the great Egyptian Era in history?

Question: If deserts were growing and fertile land was decreasing, and sand was the primary weather occurring, then what does this mean? If this was climate change and global warming, then it means it occurred without man made causes. Doesn't that mean that climate change and global warming are natural and can occur without the intervention of man? Are climate change and global warming as natural as ice ages, global cooling, rain, and snow?