
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Scientists Have Discovered Parallel Universes?

Scientists around the world have discovered parallel universes. This amazing discovery means there are two separate and distinct universes with their own world views, own factual evidence, believers, science, political system, issues, and problems. In fact only one of these universes can exist at any single moment because they are mutually exclusive and contradictory. There is a description of the two universes below.  

It is very important to know which universe you are in at any given time. The rule of thumb is that if there is juvenile name calling, false accusations, someone gets angry, changes subjects when they have no answer, makes up facts, lies, and then stomps off, you are in the Progressive Universe, otherwise you are in the Traditional Universe.

The Traditional Universe: global warming is not a proven problem or conclusion, the budgets of local, state, and federal government are collapsing under the weight of entitlements and bankruptcy will occur if nothing is done, killing babies is wrong, taxpayers should not have to pay for retirement, salaries, and health care costs of public union workers, Unions are selfish, greedy, and their actions hurt taxpayers and governments, Islam is violent, anti-west, and intolerant cult that is seriously attempting to take over the world one country at a time, Al Gore is a grifter who made millions off of global warming,  Joy Behar and Kathy Griffin are politically ignorant idiots, Che was a terrorist and murderer, Castro was a terrorist and murderer and a communist tyrannical dictator of Cuba, don't tax and don't spend, Michale Moore is a delusional useful idiot,  Oliver Stone is ignorant stoned all the time and makes "documentary type" films with his own made up facts that don't match reality, Sean Penn is a stoned narcissist who gets his facts from Oliver Stone, Obama is unqualified to be POTUS and he proves it everyday with every decision,  FOX News is the most accurate and balanced source of news, America takes its global responsibility seriously, and helps more countries with freedom and liberty and financial support than any other nation in the world, Jon Stewart and Steve Colbert are comedians, Chris Mathews and Rachel Maddow are comedians, George Soros is the anti-christ, Rupert Murdock is the most important news man in the world, West should be very afraid of Islam, West cannot trust the Muslim Brotherhood, Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck are informed representatives of the conservative point of view, juvenile name calling and false accusations is useless in a political dialogue instead use choices, strategy, and values, Obama is not at all like Ronald Reagan, Obama is a far left lunatic, we are ashamed to have Joe Biden as VP, etc. etc. etc.

The Progressive Universe: global warming means the end of the world in a few years, the budgets of local, state, and federal government are not a problem so we can spend and borrow more money and leave entitlements alone, killings babies is OK, taxpayers should have to pay for retirement, salaries, and health care costs of public union workers, Unions support their members by protecting excessive entitlements, Islam is a non-violent, pro-west, and tolerant religion that is seriously attempting to co-exist in the world one country at a time, Al Gore is a saint helping to save the world from global warming, Joy Behar and Kathy Griffin are political informed comic geniuses, Che was a cuddly and cute cool radical revolutionary, Castro was a cuddly and cute cool radical revolutionary, and a communist leader that loves and cares for Cuba, tax and spend, Michael Moore is a political genius and leader, Oliver Stone is a cherished truth teller in the film industry, Sean Penn is a charismatic leader in the progressive movement, Obama is a genius and is the best POTUS we have ever had, everyone except FOX News is the most accurate and balanced source of news (including talk show hosts, comedians, dramatic TV series), America is responsible for any problem in any nation, anywhere in the world, always, Jon Stewart and Steve Colbert are insightful political leaders, Chris Mathews and Rachel Maddow are unbiased journalists, George Soros is the most important news man in the world, Rupert Murdock is the anti-christ, West should be friends with Islam, West can trust the Muslim Brotherhood, Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck are the uninformed fascist point of view, juvenile name calling and false accusations is the basis of political dialogue instead of choices, strategy, and values, Obama is just like Ronald Reagan, Obama is a centrist, we are proud to have Joe Biden as VP, etc. etc. etc.