
Monday, February 7, 2011

GOP and Tea Party: End Cynicism, End Infighting, Encourage Compromise, Optimism, and Hope

Now is not the time for cynicism or giving up on the real purpose of the GOP and Tea Party. The creation of the Tea Party was accomplished by conservative individuals who did not like the direction of the government and took it upon themselves to try and make a difference. Amazingly, the GOP and Tea Party are one or two elections away from having conservative majorities in government. With conservative majorities the hopes and dreams of the GOP and Tea Party are possible. It was the Tea Party that energized and encouraged conservatives to take back control of the House. They did an excellent job for the GOP.
The GOP and Tea Party MUST come to a compromise agenda that both groups can support. Most of the policies are shared by the GOP and Tea Party. The GOP and Tea Party can arrive at a common presidential ticket that satisfies both groups. Build a ticket with one candidate from Tea Party and one candidate from GOP. The morally bankrupt left is going to try and tear the GOP and the Tea Party apart. They will try to get them fighting with each other to nullify their formiable combined power. We cannot let infighting happen. We are all on the same team, and the majority of Republicans prefer a conservative agenda.

Now is the time for optimism, hope, enthusiasm, and hard work to gain control of the Senate and the Presidency in 2012, and keep control in the House. Now is the time to stand up and tell everyone the conservative changes that are supported by the majority of Americans. We probably will not get an opportunity like this for decades. We must capitalize on it right now.

Now is the time to complete the ongoing destruction of the MSM with its bias, insults, misleading, and lying. Now is the time to continue to expose the morally bankrupt dishonesty that is dumped on the public as news. With every exposed lie the MSM will weaken itself, and the Tea Party and GOP will get a little stronger.