
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Palinphobia: Why are Progressive Democrats afraid of Sarah Palin?

She is everything her democrat, progressive, liberal opponents are not. She is a real person who doesn't hide behind political lies. She makes decisions based on her values and ethics, and is not driven to adapt the truth to some political scheme or agenda.

she tells the truth
she is the personification of  "I am woman, hear me roar"
she loves life
she's an informed politician
she's successful at almost everything
she's tough mentally and physically
she's smart
she's funny
she's optimistic
she's pro-life
she's anti-Obamacare
she's for smaller government
she's for lower taxes
she's pro-gun
she's confident in her values
she's morally and ethically strong
she can hunt and fish with the best of them
she's attractive
she's a good speaker
she comes across very well in her TV show
she's a good mother in her family's life
she gives birth while running for president
she welcomes with loving open arms Trig, her new down-syndrome son
she's physically fit
she's got endless energy
she has a loving family who overcome problems together
she's bred to be hands on in all situations
she gets more death threats than anyone, and never complains
she's constantly attacked by the MSM with vitriol and false accusations
she must constantly defend herself from false accusations and over the top rhetoric

she's chosen to step down as Gov Alaska because of the endless investigations planned by Democrats. her replacement has her same views, so that can go forward, and she will leave so Alaskan voters don't have to pay to defend her from all the political games by the Democrats.