
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Taliban Sharia Law: Charge? Adultery 

Are you sure Sharia Law is not a problem if Muslims practice it? This is Sharia Law in practice. Absolutely horrible. This occurred in August 2010 in the district of Dashte Archi, in Kunduz province in Northern Afghanistan. This is the first stoning to be filmed since the Taliban were removed from power.


A girl named Siddqa, 19 years old, covered with a blue burkha, she's buried to her waist in the ground as a crowd of people watches. She is repeatedly stoned by the crowd. She collapses to the ground, covered in blood - but surprisingly still alive. Now a Taliban member shoots her in the head three times with his AK-47. The crowd shouts "allahu akbar" ("God is Great").

Siddqa had run after being sold for $9000.00 into an arranged marriage she did not want.
She and Khayyam, who was married with two children, ran to Pakistan where they eloped.

Khayyam, her lover, is then presented  before the crowd with tied hands, behind his back.
Taliban then blindfolds him with his tunic. He squats on the ground trying to protect himself from the stones.
He is pummeled to the floor by a hailstorm of rocks. He wept before falling silent as he died.