
Monday, January 17, 2011

Obamacare: What Could Go Wrong ?

Note: select picture to enlarge
With the American economy in a shambles, that will take years to recover, with the UK moving toward privatization of health care, the opposite direction Obamacare is taking us, with socialized countries around the world going broke because of too many costly entitlements, with the majority of Americans 60%-70% against Obamacare, this administration is going to fight the American people to keep this 2700 page monstrosity known as Obamacare. With Medicare going broke, with Medicaid going broke, and with Social Security going broke, this administration will force Obamacare down the throats of Americans instead of fixing the failing entitlements we already have.
The U.S. government which has failed to properly manage the post office, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, will now start to poorly manage America's health care on a scale so large, and so encompassing to virtually assure a financial and health care disaster.  The diagram above is a real attempt to describe all the new interactions to support Obamacare. This is more complicated and more inefficiently designed than the worst of Rube Goldberg's machines.

Just to keep a little score:
Obama said Medicare, Medicaid no a lie $500 bil from Medicare
Obama said no one is forced to buy health a lie
Obama said health insurance would be improved in a lie
Obama said health care costs will be lowered in a lie
Obama said you can keep your current a lie
Obama said you can keep your current a lie
Obama said there would be no rationing of a lie
Obama said there would be no death a lie
Obama said this would be an improvement to health a lie. Otherwise why would so many, 750, companies and Unions request and receive waivers from Obamacare regulations. The waiver means that don't participate in Obamacare. As a private citizen can I request and receive a waiver? I think we all know the answer to that question. 

As I have said before: Obamacare 
All the efficiency of the Postal Service. The Post Office loses at least $8.5 billion a year
All the sustainability of Social Security. Failed Ponzi Scheme (less investors, more payouts)
All the compassion of the IRS. 15000 new IRS revenue collector positions for Obamacare.

Obama also said Obamacare would not raise taxes, and that's a lie. Here is a link to a summary of tax hikes included in Obamacare.