
Monday, January 31, 2011

GOP and Tea Party Unified Agenda

Note: this agenda also appears permanently on this website. 

Suggested agenda issues for the GOP and Tea Party. 

- repeal Obamacare waivers. We pay the same.
- repeal Obamacare. New Health Care bill.
- secure the borders, new immigration laws.
- reduce spending, depts reduce costs/size by 15%.
- support legislation of single item bills.
- ban the use of earmarks.
- reduce abortions
- enhance treaty with public referendum.
- require all bills read before voting.
- post all bills online to read 5 days before vote.
- reduce military size.
- reduce defense spending.
- increase military technology and capabilities.
- reduce national debt.
- new journalism fact check, proven evidence.

- license journalist for data integrity.
- charge fines media bias, both sides honestly.
- legalize Civil Unions. State independently.
- get out Auto, Insurance, Banks, Invest business.
- complete operation in Iraq.
- complete operation in Afghanistan.
- reduce entitlements of public unions 15%.
- renegotiate public union contracts, firing rules.
- make significant reductions in foreign aid.
- quit the UN. Let it move to another country.
- eliminate troops in Japan, Germany, South Korea.
- modify anchor baby laws, stop illegal abuse.
- fund efforts stabilizing Medicare and Medicaid.
- fund efforts stabilizing Social Security.
- legalize medical marijuana State independently.
- eliminate funding for NPR, PBS, NEA.
- close Wikileaks. Charge espionage.
- continue to support filibuster.
- remove Czars, no appoint unless congress consent.