
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Conservative Enemies List 

In this misleading and lying world many celebrities and media have voiced their progressive opinions. Their opinions rarely have any truth to support them, but they'll say them anyway. The following is a pledge that should be said by all conservatives, and then practiced by ignoring unsupported progressive nonsense from these individuals. Ignore these individuals because what they say is concocted partisan nonsense and therefore we don't even bother to recognize it.

So when all these guys, gals, or organization opens their mouths and sling accusations and name calling.......
You have 2 choices:
  • ignore them and maybe some assume it must be true if no respones
  • refute the allegations giving credibility to the accusation
It's a tough decision,  the best strategy is base your response on the seriousness or stupidity of the accusation. If serious address it specifically, If stupid ignore it specifically

I Don't Believe:
  • Cindy Sheehan
  • Kathy Griffin
  • Roseanne Barr
  • Rosie O'Donnell
  • Elena Kagan
  • Sonia Sotomayor
  • Ruth Bader Ginsburg
  • Larry Flynt
  • Wanda Sykes
  • Jay Leno
  • Sheriff Clarence Dupnik
  • Polls 
  • Piers Morgan
  • Public Sector Unions
  • Private Sector Unions
  • Meryl Streep
  • Sally Field
  • Spike Lee
  • Margaret Chou
  • David Gregory
  • Howard Kurtz
  • Leslie Stahl
  • Matt Lauer 
  • Roger Ebert 
  • Janeane Garofalo 
  • Chuck Schumer 
  • Kirsten Gillibrand
  • Cher 
  • Oliver Stone
  • Al Franken 
  • Joan Rivers 
  • Scott Brown
  • Pat Leahy 
  • Henry Waxman
  • Bernie Sanders
  • Jim Clyburn
  • Jay Rockefeller 
  • Howard Dean 
  • Dennis Kucinich 
  • Dennis Leary
  • Joan Baez 
  • Mark Malloy
  • Rhandi Rhodes
  • Chelsea Handler 
  • Tina Fey
  • Jon Stewart 
  • Steve Colbert 
  • Andy Styne
  • SEIU
  • Dan Rather
  • Sandra Bernhard
  • Michael Bloomberg 
  • Louis Farrakhan 
  • The New Black Panthers
  • Barbara Streisand
  • Lisa Minelli
  • Bette Midler
  • Perez Hilton
  • Woody Allen
  • Michael Douglas
  • William Ayers
  • Meredith Viera
  • Bernadine Dorhn
  • Atheists
  • Ward Churchill
  • Rev. Jeremiah Wright
  • Democrats
  • Liberals
  • Nina Tottenberg 
  • Mark Shields
  • Progressives
  • Juan Williams
  • Communists
  • Sarah Silverman 
  • Charlie Sheen 
  • Al Gore 
  • Joan Rivers
  • Melissa Rivers
  • Martin Sheen 
  • James Cameron 
  • Linda Ronstadt
  • Carbon Footprints
  • Quentin Tarantino 
  • Matt Lauer
  • Robert Rodriguez 
  • Ron Howard 
  • Rob "meathead" Reiner
  • Tom Hanks 
  • Michelle Obama 
  • Evolution
  • Charles Darwin
  • Bob Beckel 
  • James Carville
  • Kristen Powers 
  • Elliot Spitzer 
  • Judith Miller 
  • Joe Scarborough 
  • Media Matters 
  • George Soros 
  • Rahm Emanuel 
  • Larry Summers 
  • David Axelerod 
  • Valerie Jarret 
  • David Plouffe 
  • Robert Gibbs 
  • Christina Romer 
  • David Romer 
  • Carol Browner
  • Samantha Power
  • Huffington Post
  • Robert Redford 
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Kayne West 
  • Danny Glover 
  • Paul McCartney 
  • Bezerkly University
  • San Francisco
  • Gavin Newsome
  • Socialists
  • Fascists
  • Madonna
  • Chrissie Hynde
  • Tim Robbins
  • Susan Sarandon
  • Al Sharpton
  • Sean Penn
  • NOW
  • Alec Baldwin
  • Barbara Walters
  • Joy Behar
  • David Letterman
  • Jesse Jackson Sr., Jr. 
  • Planned Parenthood
  • Alan Colmes
  • Global Warming
  • Nobel Prizes
  • Ron Reagan
  • Terry Mcauliffe
  • Harold Ford Jr.
  • John Dean
  • George Stephanopoulos
  • Chris Mathews
  • Ed Schultz
  • Bill Maher
  • Randi Rhodes
  • Christian Amanpour
  • Anderson Cooper
  • Tom Brokaw
  • Whoopi Goldberg
  • Kate Couric
  • Bob Schiefer
  • Michael Moore
  • Keith Olberman
  • Rachel Maddow
  • Russell Brandt
  • Hanoi Jane
  • Barney Frank
  • Nancy Pelosi
  • Steny Hoyer
  • Janet Napolitano
  • Eric Holder
  • Colin Powell
  • Joe Wilson
  • Valarie Plame
  • Maureen Dowd
  • Ariana Huffington
  • Paul Krugman
  • Sherrod  Brown
  • Lisa Murkowski
  • Tom Harkin
  • Carl Levin 
  • Ashley Judd
  • Daniel Inouye
  • Barbara Boxer
  • Dianne Feinstein
  • Olympia Snowe
  • Susan Collins
  • Geraldo Rivera
  • Bill Clinton
  • Hillary Clinton
  • Mary Landrieu
  • Jerry Brown
  • Frank Reich
  • Harry Reid
  • John Kerry
  • Joe Biden
  • Barrack Obama
  • New York Times
  • L.A. Times
  • Village Voice
  • ACLU
  • FCC
  • Ninth Circuit Court
  • Czars
  • Rolling Stone magazine
  • Time magazine
  • Newsweek magazine
  • Oscars, Grammys, and Screen Actors Guild
  • Hollywood movies
  • TV Shows (Law & Order, etc.)
  • Obamacare
  • Islam
  • Qu'ran
  • Muslims
  • Imams
  • CAIR
  • Bob Woodward
  • Ted Koppel
  • Andy Rooney
  • Rick Sanchez
  • Wolf Blitzer
  • Dan Abrams
  • Lester Holt
  • Brain Williams
  • Pat Buchanan
  • Jack Cafferty
  • Soledad O'Brien
  • Sam Donaldson
  • Meredith Vieira
  • Harry Smith
  • Susan Estrich
  • Donna Brazile
  • Maria Shriver
  • Madeleine Albright
  • Campbell Brown
  • Ed Bradley
  • Harry Reasoner
  • Peter Jennings
  • Charles Gibson
  • Diane Sawyer
  • Tracy Morgan
  • Andrea Mitchell
I just believe in me, conservative me, that's my true reality.