
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Bipartisanship Over Already: Dem says Republicans are Nazi's

With Democrat Cohen calling Republicans Nazi's, shows just how bipartisan democrats intend to be. It will be a long and dirty fight to get rid of Obamacare, but it will be done. At worst case scenario we have to wait till 2012 elections and the increasing conservative value trends in Congress.

In this atmosphere it is essential for GOP to actively work with Tea Party and produce a workable fiscal and social conservative agenda for the Republican party. Failure to accomplish this agenda will throw away the best opportunity for conservatives to influence America in decades, and result in giving the Democrats an unearned advantage.

Repealing Obamacare will never be accomplished until Republicans can present a workable alternative that is cheaper, better coverage, and better health care both in long term and short term.

A Divisive Republican Party will be the death of conservatism.

A workable agenda will be the future for Republicans, Tea Party, conservatism, and health care.