
Monday, December 27, 2010

MSM Creates Their Own Political Reality

Once again the MSM has provided "shock and awe" with their "slanted fudged info they pass as news". Their reporting has reached another low point. Stop the presses, MSM, and a study by, a project that is managed by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland, is reporting that Fox News watchers, Tea Party members, conservative radio listeners, and conservative GOP members are the most misinformed of all groups in the voting electorate. Surprise, surprise....they are calling conservatives stupid again. That will win conservative support for them. How can their only point of discussion be to name call, and in a juvenile stance whine that conservatives are stupid. Makes their intelligence questionable, not ours.

The democrats say they didn't lose House and Senate seats because of something they had done. No, as usual its that the voters that disagree with their convoluted policies are stupid. Everything with Obamacare, that our president has presented for 100 times, has proved to be a lie and false from the democrats. From day one conservatives have spoken the truth about Obamacare,  and every complaint about Democratic misinformation has been proven to be accurate.

Why the democrats create false reports on the cable and news channels is beyond me. But than everything about the MSM is in another dimension. Only democrats would hire discredited Spitzer as a progressive representative on cable CNN. Only democrats would promote Hamas supporter Christian Amanpour to her own progressive soapbox on cable CNN.

Christian is about as unAmerican as you can get. She represents the Muslim community views on all issues dear to Americans. She doesn't represent Americans she represents anything or anyone anti-American. Her existence alone justifies all Islamophobia. Americans don't have issues with Muslims, we all have lifetime subscriptions because of their endless threats.

America is under constant threat on a daily basis from Muslim leaders vowing endless attacks and our destruction. The funniest part is that it's not like they are forcing us to specifically do something to avoid being attacked. The real knee-slapper is that the only way the attacks will stop is if we all convert to Islam. Are they serious ? Convert to Islam and live in the 700 ad world ? They can't be serious. Unfortunately I think they are serious.