
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dems Creating A Crisis to Force Quick Votes

" fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me !"

Don't be fooled by all the sudden desparation being shown by Congress to pass bills. Their saying "we are running out of time, this congress is ending in weeks, we haven't done a budget, we have a much needed Omnibus Spending Bill, we need DADT, we need DREAM Act, no time to think, no time to debate, and no time to negotiate".

We need to vote on these immediately and can't wait for normal legislation process cycles. If you don't then it will be your fault if we don't have a budget.

These democrats running the Congress had more than 2 years to get all this stuff done. They kept procrastinating. Now their trying to force quick votes on bills that people have not even read yet. Sound familiar, Obamacare. Now their trying to ram some more spending and expansion bills down the throat of the American citizen before the start of the next Congress.