
Sunday, November 21, 2010

When Liberals Attack 

"Be vewy vewy quiet....I am hunting pwetty young mom Bwistol Palin on TV."

The world wide liberal anger and furious rhetoric attacking a new young mom whose just dancing for fun is absolutely amazing. These liberals profess their tolerance and acceptance of all ideas, and then with mean spirit they mercilessly attack everything about an individual from the clothes, hairstyle, fatness to their literacy, intelligence, morals, and ethics just because she is presumed to have more conservative ideas than theirs.

But it's more than just journalists, and I use that word loosely for most, writing critical arguments against the young mom. It has turned into violent actions by the so-called "peace-loving" liberal tolerant progressive left. They show violence that has NOT been shown by any conservatives.
Liberal progressives constantly describe conservatives as violent, yet through all the Washington rallies, and all the nation-wide local political meetings their is not a real case of conservatives getting violent. The only violence is by progressives and union thugs against pacifist conservatives.

In this week alone, there are stories of a man shotgunning his TV because of the DWTS voting. Because of voting on a game show ? I'd hate to see what he does when something really serious happens. In another case, someone mailed an envelope of white powder to the young dancer. So think about it. The so-called tolerant left is blasting a shotgun, and threatening biological WMD against an innocent civilian for winning a dance contest.

At the same time the tolerant left is only tolerant of themselves as they are elite and more sophisticated than the unwashed masses that make up the conservative community. Tolerant ? These "live and let live" liberals are now trying to legislate what you and I can eat or drink. No Pepsi or Happy Meals for the unwashed masses. But everyone can smoke as much pot as they want because there's nothing wrong with everyone being sh$tfaced all the time. They believe they have to legislate what we can eat, drink, and smoke because the conservative community is too stupid to understand or do the "right thing".

I propose an objective investigative reporter examine the education level, the job skill level, and how many people are employed comparing conservative to liberals. I can't do the research because I would be labeled bias toward conservatives and my results would be ignored. Let's see how the Hollywood community stacks up in terms of education. They must be very educated because they are  constantly calling college graduate conservatives dumb and stupid. Lets see the real numbers of how many youth in the progressive liberal ranks are working compared with the youth of the conservative community. Let's see the truth about the unwashed masses. It's time to shed some sunlight on the progressive liberals constant false accusations.