
Friday, November 19, 2010

The Bristol, Nancy, and Harry Conspiracies

Recently it has been professed by many progressive liberal media that Bristol Palin being voted to continue on DWTS is a travesty and a right-wing Tea Party conspiracy. I just thought it was the audience voting for who they liked. Bristol Palin is not the greatest dancer, just like William Hung was not the greatest singer. But the audience liked them so they voted for them. No harm, no foul, just audience opinion.
If progressive liberal media want to illustrate a real travesty and a left-wing progressive conspiracy let's look at the reelection of Nancy Pelosi as Democratic Minority leader in the house, and re-election of Harry Reid as senator and Democratic Majority leader in the Senate. These two individuals are disliked by 80% of the voting public,  yet through political cronies and idealogues and progressive influence in the Democratic Party both these two are still able to wield power in Congress. Pelosi had an approval rate of 8% and Reid had an approval rating of 15%. This is the real travesty. This is the conspiracy everyone should be screaming about. That these two politicians still have that much progressive liberal support within the Democratic party. These two individuals and Obama have rammed through legislation against the wishes of the American people. This includes bail-outs, Obamacare, union favoritism, an exploding national debt, and the worst economy in decades. They have destroyed voters confidence in the government to do the right thing, and created many sleepless nights for those who watched them force our government toward socialism. These two are destroying what the Constitution created, and progressives don't even seem to notice the issues.

All Bristol has done is try to dance the best she can and have a little fun with it. It takes a lot of effort and practice to even appear on DWTS. Those who criticize Brtistol's dancing, might want to brush off their own dancing shoes and show us all how it should be done. Any effort less than actually dancing on DWTS, are only empty words on paper or on our airwaves.

So if there is the need for anyone to be shocked and upset by a conspiracy, I think Republicans have more right for outrage against Nancy and Harry, then do the Democrats with their outrage for Bristol. Somehow progressive liberal media always has everything backwards and with the wrong priorities. Thank god that progressive liberal media is no longer the only source voters can turn to for political analysis. There are now many conservative sources to present the alternative view.