
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Progressive Elitists: voters are "ignorant unclear thinkers"

As a typical registered voter I greatly benefit from Fox, Internet Blogs, and Talk Radios very existence. It provides another more complete perspective than the MSM (ABC,NBC,CBS,NPR,TIME, Newweeks, MTV, VH1, and most newpapers, television series, and the majority of movies).
For perhaps the first time after decades of MSM's lying, misinforming, and political bias are being exposed for the progressive liberal agenda that they blatantly present as factual news.
Most American's are now angry and mistrust the MSM. As more and more lies are exposed, truth contradicting the MSM's position, decades of misinformation are becoming revealed. The Tea Party, besides having specific policy issues with the "socialist" actions of the Obama Administration, and driven by the mistrust of the MSM, are creating their own conservative movement of small government, low taxes, secure border, tax reductions, repeal and redo Obamacare, no more bailouts, no more undeserved special treatment of government or union workers, a reduction of government, and come up with an immigration reform legislation once all borders are sealed and the flow of illegal aliens is stopped. No imigration reform can occur until the border is sealed.

The administrations reaction to the growing power of the Tea Party and the opinions of the American voters is the following.

Obama said: "we're (voters) hardwired not to always think clearly when we're scared", And the country's scared."
Obama said: the only reason the Democrats are going to go down in flames in a few weeks is because the American people are not "thinking clearly."
Biden said: "Democrats aren't running on the administration's accomplishments like health-care and financial-regulatory overhaul and the stimulus because it's just too hard to explain."

It's the electorate, the voters, that are causing the problems for the Democratic party. It's not the economy, not the socialist policies, not Obamacare, not wasted stimulus, not the nationalization of car industry, not the insurance industry, not the housing market, not takeover of the healthcare industry, not all the broken campaign promises, not the arrogance and ignoring the will of the people by Congress and White House. No, according to the administration the electorate is too stupid to understand the issues.

I am 54 years old, not very political most of my life, but a college graduate and fully engaged with the Tea Party goals today. The only thing I have to say to the Obama Administration is that: "I am more informed of the issues, the choices, what works, what does not work, who are corrupt politicians, who are not corrupt, who cares about this country and the people in it, or who only cares about forcing an unwanted ideology on the electorate, or who only cares about one's own personal political career. I am more informed in today's variety of media choices than I have ever been in the past. Much more informed about all issues. I am thinking more clearly and rationally today than ever in my political experience. The "clear thinkers" are the Tea Party. The "unclear thinkers" are the Obama adminmistration.