
Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Affirmative Action President

Before Janeane Garafolo, or any other misinformed loud-mouthed progressive lunatic accuses me of anything let me say, I have never been a racist, I am not a racist, and never will be a racist. I judge people by their character and abilities regardless of race. I have worked more than 25 years in major worldwide multicultural engineering firms that employ engineers from around the world. I have never had a problem with anyone's race or cultural background. I am an honest observer of the political system and demographics in America and expressing my understandings and beliefs about America's political system, as is the liberty and right of any American.
The presidential election of 2008 was an extremely difficult time for me. I evaluated each candidates experience, character, ethics, associates, skills, and leadership. I do not like John McCain. I consider him to be a RINO (Republican in name only), an amnesty carpetbagger, and a secure border charlatan. Unfortunately comparing experience, character, ethics, associates, skills, and leadership between McCain and Obama became a no-brainer. McCain wins every category hands down. But the majority of the American public (including the lame stream media) were totally in love with Obama and his charismatic personality and orchestrated "promise them anything" speeches. Anything negative about Obama was intentionally ignored, misrepresented, or hidden by the lame stream media and the progressive left media. According to the liberal/progressives the messiah for hope and change has been found in Barack Hussein Obama. He's intelligent, well-spoken, charismatic, and has lead a charmed life always appearing to be at the right place at the right time. The election ended with Obama the victor. My support immediately moved to Obama because as president he needs the support of all Americans. It is a difficult, exhausting, and daunting task to carry so much presidential responsibility. All presidents deserve our support, regardless of who we actually voted for. When the election is over it's time to work together for what's best for the majority of America. Mr. Obama is the least experienced and prepared candidate America has ever elected to be president. Why he won the election I will discuss later.

At this time, 19 months into Mr. Obama's term, it is clear that he is in way over his head. He is not prepared or experienced enough for his responsibilities. His supporting staff of appointments are based on personal partisan politics instead of the quality of their skills for the needed job. He fills positions with inexperienced untested performers, and then wonders why their performance is poor. He delegates unethical Chicago politicians as advisors and seems surprised when their incompetence or lack of ethics is revealed. He has appointed a political ideological hack to the supreme court that has no formal judging experience. When anything goes wrong in Iraq, Afghanistan, or the economy he blames Bush. If something goes well in Iraq, Afghanistan, or the economy he is quick to take the credit. He selected the "gafftastic Bozo the VP" Joe Biden. A man who can't string two sentences together without making a factual error. In these first 19 months, he has broken every campaign promise he made during the election. He has broken every promise he has made to his progressive base and conservative opposition. He breaks promises to everybody. His natural charismatic personality is betrayed by his dependence on teleprompted scripted presentations. Without a teleprompter he stammers and seems confused or unprepared.

Unfortunately, it also has become very clear that almost immediately President Obama had a concrete planned socialist agenda, a to-do list of major progressive changes to make in the government, with the motivation and support of a democratic majority in Congress to accomplish those tasks. He used that Congressional majority to ram down the throats of Americans legislation impacting everyones daily life without the least concern of what the American people wanted, and in most cases actually going against what majority of Americans really wanted. I guess he felt he won the election, had a democratic majority in Congress, and that meant he could do whatever he wants. WRONG. He forgot that after his election win he now represented all the American people and the goal was "whats best for all Americans" and not "whats best for partisan democratic progressive Americans". Most presidents start out making that partisan mistake, but quickly through trial and error come to realize that America's voice and future is more important than partisan politics. He decisions and policies insults the integrity, intelligence, and generosity of the American people. Mr. Obama was obviously not prepared to assume the presidency. He has never held a single executive position with responsibilites.

Obama is still not listening to the voice of the American people. He comes from a socialist leaning, communist sympathizing, progressive entitlement, liberal morality, and anti-American exceptionlism world. He has taken over whole industries, bailed out private-sector portions of the economy, openly bought congressional votes for unpopular policies and legislation, gave the keys to the kingdom to public/private unions, added extreme socialist regulatory changes, and forced into implementation the largest ever, 3/4 trillion, stimulus bill which does not stimulate anything. He has spent more money in 19 months than George Washington thru Ronald Reagan spent combined. He has made decisions directly against the will of the majority of Americans without hesitation. He has singlehandedly used Chicago thug politics of coercion, bully, misdirection, and manipulation tactics to destroy the best healthcare system in the world. Instead of improving a few things that American health care needed, he replaced the entire system with a 2700 page monstrosity of public entitlements, new socialist departments, a regulatory nightmare of landmines for patients, doctors and businesses, bankrupted the American government for generations to come, signed into law that public officials have final say on all patient/doctor medical decisions, stole 500 billion dollars from Medicare just as Medicare needs more help to care for the growing elderly baby-boomer's, and forced every American to buy health insurance whether they want/need it or not. A 20 year old is now required to have insurance potentially costing $400.00 to $800.00 a month even when they don't have a job to pay for it. Obama has added potentially 30 million new patients without any increase in doctors staffing, nurses staffing, emergency room improvements, or improving health facility sites.

On the world stage, Obama has portrayed America and Americans as responsible for all the ills of the world. He took a number of "apology tours" groveling and bowing to world leaders who do not have the moral equivalency of what America has done and what it stands for. His speeches never showed any pride in America. Is POTUS ashamed of his own country ? He reports to the UN that Arizona is guilty of discriminatory practices without a single case of proven violation of human rights. Yet he tells the world Arizona is violating human rights. He supports the rights of illegal aliens over the rights of Åmerican citizens. He supports Mexico's efforts to violate our border over American's rights to secure the border. The Arizona law supports federal legislation in place for decades and simply tries to enforce the same laws on illegal aliens that every country in the world enforces everyday, including Mexico.

He has taken a pro-Muslim stance in almost every situation. He ignores deminishing freedom of religion for Christians and Jews, while increasing freedom of religion for Islam. He claims to be christian, with solid every week church attendance for 20 years. Yet since taking office he has not attended a single weekly Sunday church service. He mustn't have read the Quran, because it condones and encourages muslims killing non-muslims as part of its basic philosophy to spread the Islamic faith. By it's defined laws Islam refuses freedom of religion to all other religions, and yet muslims constantly complain they are being treated unfairly. There are 100 mosques in New York City and 0 churches in Saudi Arabia. Who is discrminating against who ? Islam, the religion of peace, permits amputations, stoning, beheading, paralyzing, and lashing for questioning Islam, adultery, dressing improperly, drawing pictures, drinking alcohol, and just being a bad muslim. Welcome to the brutality of 7th century Islamist jurist prudence. All the while, muslims complain that everyone must live by sharia law and that their stated goal is for all countries of the world to adopt sharia law. If non-muslims don't do what muslims want they threaten to terrorize world wide to get their way. Obama has yet to take a stand against Islam's attempts to intimidate America. His decisions are as if he was a muslim. That's why 20% of Americans think he is a muslim. He was born a muslim and then converted to christianity. According to Islam, the religion of peace, he should be executed for that conversion. So much for Islam being the religion of peace.

Now let's look at the circus of smoke and mirrors that was the 2008 presidential election. All negative traits of Obama were ignored by the lame stream media. All positive traits of Obama were outrageously exaggerated by the lame stream media. He was presented to the American people as "the one", the messiah, the leader of hope and change, the charismatic, overly intelligent, Robin Hood, capable of remaking Washington from partisan politics to a "city on the hill". He was the "chosen one" and it was obvious to anyone with intelligence. If anyone said anything negative or questioned his experience, skills, or ability they were accused of being ignorant racists, anti-black bigots, knuckledraggin' redneck yahoos, or unwilling to allow a black man as president. During this same election John McCain's negative traits were exaggerated and his positive traits were minimized by the lame stream media. He was presented as an "extremely white" Washington closet liberal conservative that was insensitive to the issues, needs, or even the existence of minorities. In fact he was presented as a rich elitist that was the anti-minority racist reincarnation of George Bush and all the white presidents that have gone before. So the stage was set as the "intelligent visionary blue collar good young black man" battled the "ignorant uninspired white collar elitist old racist white man" for the presidency of the United States. The most quoted argument became that it was "time for a black man" to win the presidency. American's were fooled into voting for the "under qualified black man" instead of the "over qualified white man". Few even noticed that this man had written, for the election, 2 books about his political career without a single piece of legislation passed with his name, without a stand on any issue during his exhaustive couple of months senate career, and voting mostly "present" on issues during his state senate career. He never held an executive position of authority and responsibility, he never was in a leadership position in the private or public arena and his closest associates were a black theology preacher and pro-communist anti-government criminal radicals who preferred to "stomp on the flag" than to "wave and salute the flag".

All these arguments are the same issues that come up in affirmative action situations. Are we willing to select a man with less qualifications because of his race, while ignoring another candidate with more qualifications because of his race. That's the situation and that is what happened in the 2008 elections. America naively selected a less qualified candidate because he was black and ignored a more qualified candidate because he was white. America, for the most part, wanted to show the world that we are not a racist country and electing a black man as president will prove it to the world. Obama's election and the confidence from the American people was American's misplaced desire to support the underdog rather than choose the most qualified candidate. We have only proven our ignorance and shallowness to the world. Congratulations America you have elected the first Affirmative Action President of the United States.