
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Where's Waldo ?

A new leadership position overseeing GM and Chrysler. A big job, a tough job, handling bankruptcy, pacifying the UAW, managing the daily costs/expenses of a multi-Billion dollar company, responsible for millions of employee pensions as the fate of millions of Americans whose retirement have investments in GM. To top it off the U.S. Government is the largest investor who will certainly want to put there own overseers to make sure all goes well. Hey maybe we can get Braney Franks or Chris Dodd to be our taxpayer watchdogs. They did such a great job managing the sub-prime housing market.Who do we select to manage this difficult situation ?
Experienced GM Executives with 30 years in the car business? NO !
A genius MBA from the best Universities in America? NO!,
A hardened blue-collar worker who knows the auto business from the ground up? NO!
A seasoned economics expert with a dozen published books in the field of economics? NO !
A successful multimillionaire entrepreneur who has proven he can run a large successful corporation? NO !
We appoint a 31 year old non-graduate Yale student, with minimal political campaign work for Hillary Clinton and other democrats. No business experience or training, no automobile experience or training, no economic experience or training, and whose only job experience is as a democrat gopher for a corrupt democratic political machine.  The economic future of America and the impacted globalized businesses around the world are managed by this baby-faced, wiggling lump of jello that will be pushed around by everyone he meets. So the retirement and future of millions of American's is now in the hands of Waldo !
Get used to hearing a continuous refrain of "Where's Waldo ?" as the country sinks into economic chaos.